sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2013

The First Pharaoh: Pharaox

So I’m going to start here with the first of the Three Pharaoh Pokemons: Pharaox.

I love the Design of Pharaox. When I see him, I think how he is strong and honorable. He has a Intimidating presence. I’d love him.

The artist who designed Pharaox family is HourGlassHero ( Congrats for the Fakemon.

So I’m going to present now what I created to him.

At first, here is Clafare. He got a little bit of extra HP, if the Power of the Sun is active. He also can burn a opposing card if there are other Clafare or one of his evolutions with a fire energy card. This effect is, of course, planned for late game.

Looking to him you can think that he is weak. And you right! Clafare has to be weak, he is the first stage of one of the Three Pharaoh’s. The opponent can have a chance to defeat him before he evolve with one or two hits and with no great resistance. If not, the game can’t be fair.

So, if Clafare evolve to Bovlame, he can do some damage and resist a bit. The two moves, Flame Horn and Sun Tribute have a synergy. Sun Tribute can make The Power of the Sun active for one turn, if you don’t have any ways to active it, but at a cost of one fire energy card. Flame Horn causes a little bit more damage (only ten points) and can make the defending pokemon get a burned status.

Bovlame is made to be used with The Power of the Sun always active. He is nothing overpowered, but he can cause considerable damage and burn, and, if you lost you source of Sun Power, he can reactivate it for one turn. Also, Bovlame can be used not only for Flame Horn, but for others pokemons that can use the variable.

And, finally, here is Pharaox.

As a Pharaoh, he work for his sudits: in other words, his PokeBody makes the Retrat Cost for you Fire Type Pokemons equal to zero. If combines perfectly with Bovlame’s Sun Tribute, if you have no others ways of active the Power of the Sun. And also, it can be used to run away: as a PokeBody, it can be used if Pharaox is in a Special Condition.

Pharaox has two moves. The First, Fire Spin, is cheap. 50% of chance to do 30 damage for one fire energy. Or, if The Power of the Sun is active, this move is much more cheaper for it’s effect. Two coins flips instead of one: 50% chance to do 30 damage, 25% of chance to do 60 damage and 25% of chance to do no damage (instead of 50% of chance, if The Power of the Sun is inactive). And only for one Energy! 

His Second move is Fire Blast. It is one of most Powerful Fire Moves, and so he is in this Card Game. 120 points of damage for four fire energy. But two fire energy must be discarded. Or only one if Sun Power is active! It makes Pharaox a high damage for cheap cost! A Truly Fire Pharaoh of damage and with sustainability!

The Pharaoh theme includes other cards types, not only pokemons. Here I present three of them. There are a few more.

Sun Potion is a simple Potion. If can remove 20 damage (less than a 30 damage healer Potion) if the Sun Power is inactive, but it can remove 40 damage (more than a potion) if it’s active. This card is very simple, but the player need to think. What is better: the conventional Potion or the Sun Potion?

Desert Sun Charm is a Tool Item that makes The Power of the Sun Active, but only for the pokemon holding it. If Clafare is holding it, he gain 10 more HP. If Bovlame is holding it, he don’t need to sacrifice fire energy cards to take Flame Horn full potential. And if Pharaox is holding it, you get all the cheap this card has to offer.

The disadvantage of Sun Charm is that the pokemon holding it can’t use other Tool Item. And there is a Tool Item make for the Three Pharaoh.

The Empire of the Sun is indispensable! It makes the Power of the Sun active all the time this card is in play!!! It for both players, but with it you no need Sun Charm and can make you pokemon hold others itens. Or even makes the discard of Fire Energies from Sun Tribute no longer necessary.

The disadvantage is that as a Stadium Card, you opponent can discard it only by playin’ other Stadium Card. So, be smart and be cautious.

In the next post, the first Glacial Prince, the counterpart of the Sun Pharaoh's.

2 comentários:

  1. Eu curti esse the power of the sun.
    Muito legal, acrescenta algo bem diferente do convencional.

  2. Adorei! Muito original!
